While consulting is in our name, it’s not how we approach our work. For us, it’s all about relationships; we get to know you and your organization, and work together to deliver well-rounded, tailored solutions. We set ourselves apart from other consultancy firms because we consider ourselves satellite staff for your organization. We’re pleased to say that our clients think of us as “part of the team” and not a “firm.”

Museums (Art, History, Children’s, all sorts!)
Performing Arts Organizations
Arts Service Agencies
Zoos & Aquariums

Welcome Ma's House!
We’re so pleased to be working with Ma’s House and BIPOC Artist Studio on the Shinnecock Indian Reservation in Southampton, NY. Launched in June 2020, the communal art space is led by Indigenous artist Jeremy Dennis. His 1960s family home now hosts artist residencies, a studio, and a library, and provides art- and history-based programs for tribe members and the broader local community.